Scientific Calculator Plus Help : Operators supported
Operator | Definition | Examples |
Assign operator which assign a value to a variable. | x = 3 + 4 assigns 7 to variable x. | |
Equal sign which means left part has the same value as right part. | x + 1 == 7 + 3 means x + 1 has the same value as 7 + 3 (i.e. 10). Then x can be solved which is 9. | |
Left parenthesis. Expression part inside a pair of parentheses should be calculated first. | x * (y + 3) | |
Right parenthesis. Expression part inside a pair of parentheses should be calculated first. | x * (y + 3) | |
Square bracket which starts an array. | [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] is a 2*3 matrix whose first line includes elements 1, 2 and 3 and second line includes elements 4, 5 and 6. | |
Close square bracket which ends an array. | [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] is a 2*3 matrix whose first line includes elements 1, 2 and 3 and second line includes elements 4, 5 and 6. | |
Comma character which seperates individual elements in an array. | [2,3,4,5] has four elements seperated by commas. | |
Plus sign, which supports complex number, matrix and string. | 2.3 + 4.6 + 2i = 6.9 + 2i [1, 2] + [3, 4] = [3, 6] [1, 2] + " hello" = "[1,2] hello" |
Minus sign, which supports complex number and matrix. | 4.6 - 2.3 = 2.3 [1, 2] - [3, 4] = [-1, -1] |
Multiplication sign, which supports complex number and matrix and has higher priority than + (plus sign) and - (minus sign). | 1 + 2 * 3i = 1 + 6i [[1, 2]] * [[3], [4]] = [[11]] |
Division sign, which supports complex number and matrix and has higher priority than + (plus sign) and - (minus sign). | 6 - 3 / 2i = 6 + 1.5i [[10,0.5]]/[[1,2],[3,4]] = [[-19.25,9.75]] |
Left division (mainly for matrix to calculate x from Ax=b (i.e. x = A\b), note that first operand is divisor, do the same operation to division if divisor is not a matrix). | 6 - 3 / 2i = 6 + 1.5i [[1,2],[3,4]]\[[11],[32]] = [[10], [0.5]] |
Bit wise and, which has higher priority than + (plus sign), - (minus sign), *, /. Note that it only accept non-negative operands. Moreover, if any of its two operands is not integer, it will be converted to an integer first. | 4 + 5.2 & 3.7 = 5 | |
Bit wise or, which has higher priority than + (plus sign), - (minus sign), *, /. Note that it only accept non-negative operands. Moreover, if any of its two operands is not integer, it will be converted to an integer first. | 2.8 / 5.2 | 3.7 = 7 | |
Bit wise xor, which has higher priority than + (plus sign), - (minus sign), *, /. Note that it only accept non-negative operands. Moreover, if any of its two operands is not integer, it will be converted to an integer first. | 14.2 / 5.2 ^ 3.7 = 2.3667 | |
Power, which has higher priority than + (plus sign), - (minus sign), *, /, &, |, ^. Note that both the first and the second operands can be complex number. | 2 * 4 ** 3 = 128 (-4)**0.5 = 2i 3**(2+i) = 4.0935 +8.0152*i |
Positive sign, which has higher priority than all the binary operators, e.g. + (plus sign), *, ^ and **. Note that positive sign supports arrays. | 4 - +3 = 1 +[4,3] = [4, 3] |
Negative sign, which has higher priority than all the binary operators, e.g. + (plus sign), *, ^ and **. Note that negative sign supports arrays. | 4 ** -1 = 0.25 -1 ** 4 = 1 -[3.71i, [4, 5.33-6i]] = [-3.71*i,[-4, -5.33+6*i]] |
Percentage, which has higher priority than all the binary operators and + (positive sign) and - (negative sign). Note that this operator does not support complex number. | -401.78% = -4.0178 5.77% = 0.0577 |
Not sign, which has higher priority than all the binary operators and + (positive sign) and - (negative sign). If its operand is non-zero, it returns false, otherwise, it returns true. Note that this operator does not support complex number. | !-0.2 = False | |
Bit wise not, which has higher priority than all the binary operators and + (positive sign), - (negative sign) and ! (not sign). Not that it only accepts non-negative operand. Moreover, if the operand is not integer, it will be converted to an integer first. | ~0 = -1 ~0.1 = -1 ~9 = -10 |
Factorial sign, which has higher priority than all the binary operators and left unary operators. Not that it only accepts non-negative operand. Moreover, if the operand is not integer, it will be converted to an integer first. | 7! = 5040 | |
1D or 2D matrix or single value transpose, which has higher priority than all the binary operators and left unary operators. Note that it converts a 1D matrix to 2D matrix but returns the original value of single value operand. | (3 + 4i)' = (3 + 4i) [1, 2+3i]' = [[1], [2+3i]] [[1, 2],[3,4]] = [[1,3], [2, 4]] |