

MFP language introduction

MFP functions

all functions

integer operation

logic functions

statistic and stochastic

trigononmetric functions

exponential functions

complex number

system functions

array or matrix

graphic functions

expression and calculus

string functions

hyperbolic trigononmetric

sorting functions


signal processing

file operation

time and date

graphic display

multimedia functions

data structure

data interchange format

platform and hardware

parallel computing

RTC multimedia


MFP compiling


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game programming

chart plotting

MFP math analysis

MFP file procession

number string and array

time date and system

Introduction of SCP

Scientific Calculator Plus Help : graphic functions

Function name Function info

::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot2d(5...) :

Function plot2D calls plot_multi_xy function to plot at most eight 2D-curves in one chart. It has the following parameters: 1. chart name (i.e. chart file name); 2. chart title; 3. X axis title; 4. Y axis title; 5. show grid or not; 6. curve title; 7. curve color; 8. t values start from; 9. t values end at; 10. t values' interval; 11. X's expression (based on variable t); 12. Y's expression (based on variable t)... Note that every new curve needs additional 7 parameters (i.e. parameters 6 to 12). At most 8 curves can be included. Note that this function is not recommended to use. Function plot2DEX should be used as a replacement.


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot2dex(6...) :

Function plot2DEX calls plot_multi_xy function to plot at most eight 2D-curves in one chart. It has the following parameters: 1. chart name (i.e. chart file name); 2. chart title; 3. X axis title; 4. Y axis title; 5. chart's background color; 6. show grid or not; 7. curve title; 8. curve point color; 9. curve point shape; 10. curve point size; 11. curve line color; 12. curve line pattern; 13. curve line size; 14. t values start from; 15. t values end at; 16. t values' interval; 17. X's expression (based on variable t); 18. Y's expression (based on variable t)... Note that every new curve needs additional 12 parameters (i.e. parameters 7 to 18). At most 8 curves can be included. Also note that at this moment chart's background color, curve point size, curve line color and curve line pattern are not realized yet. And curve line size only has two values, i.e. zero means no connection line and non-zero means with connection line. An example of this function is plot2DEX("chart 3", "3rd chart", "x", "y", "black", true, "cv1", "blue", "x", 2, "blue", "solid", 1, -5, 5, 0.1, "t", "t**2/2.5 - 4*t + 6", "cv2", "red", "square", 4, "square", "solid", 1, -10, 10, 0.1, "5*sin(t)", "10*cos(t)") .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot3d(5...) :

Function plot3D calls plot_multi_xyz function to plot at most eight 3D-surfaces in one chart. It has the following parameters: 1. chart name (i.e. chart file name); 2. chart title; 3. X axis title; 4. Y axis title; 5. Z axis title; 6. curve title; 7. grid or not (if false, a filled surface will be drawn); 8. color at minimum z value; 9. minimum z value (null means automatically determined by software); 10. color at maximum z value; 11. maximum z value (null means automatically determined by software); 12. u values start from; 13. u values end at; 14. u values' interval; 15. v values start from; 16. v values end at; 17. v values' interval; 18. X's expression (based on variables u and v); 19. Y's expression (based on variables u and v); 20. Z's expression (based on variables u and v); ... Note that every new curve needs additional 15 parameters (i.e. parameters 6 to 20). At most 8 curves can be included. A Example of this function is plot3D("chartI", "first chart", "x", "y", "z", "Curve1", true, "red", -0.5, "green", null, 0, pi, pi/8, -pi/2, pi/2, 0, "sin(u)*cos(v)", "sin(u)*sin(v)", "cos(u)") .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_2d_curves(6...) :

Function plot_2d_curves plots at most 1024 2D-curves in one chart. It has the following parameters: 1. chart name (i.e. chart file name); 2. chart title; 3. X axis title; 4. Y axis title; 5. chart's background color; 6. show grid or not (string "true" or string "false"); 7. curve title; 8. curve point color; 9. curve point shape; 10. curve point size; 11. curve line color; 12. curve line pattern; 13. curve line size; 14. internal variable's name (generally it is "t"); 15. internal variable's value starts from; 16. internal variable's value ends at; 17. internal variable's value changing interval; 18. X's expression (based on the internal variable); 19. Y's expression (based on the internal variable)... Note that every new curve needs additional 13 parameters (i.e. parameters 7 to 19). At most 1024 curves can be included. Also note that at this moment chart's background color, curve point size, curve line color and curve line pattern are not realized yet. And curve line size only has two values, i.e. zero means no connection line and non-zero means with connection line. An example of this function is plot_2d_curves("chart 3", "3rd chart", "x", "y", "black", "true", "cv1", "blue", "x", 2, "blue", "solid", 1, "t", -5, 5, 0.1, "t", "t**2/2.5 - 4*t + 6", "cv2", "red", "square", 4, "square", "solid", 1, "t", -10, 10, 0.1, "5*sin(t)", "10*cos(t)") .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_2d_data(16) :

Function plot_2d_data analyses at least one at most eight groups of data lists and each data group will be plotted as one curve. The number of parameters in these function can be 1 (one curve), 2 (one curve), 4 (two curves), 6 (three curves), 8 (four curves), 10 (five curves), 12 (six curves), 14 (seven curves) and 16 (eight curves). Each parameter is a data list (i.e. 1-D data array). If only one parameter, each element value in the parameter will be a point in the curve, otherwise, the odd number of parameters are the x values of the points and the even number of parameters are the y values. Note that the size of x value parameter must match the size of y value parameter. For example, plot_2d_data([5.5, -7, 8.993, 2.788]) or plot_2d_data([2.47, 3.53, 4.88, 9.42], [8.49, 6.76, 5.31, 0.88], [-9, -7, -5, -3, -1], [28, 42, 33, 16, 7]).


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_3d_data(24) :

Function plot_3d_data analyses at least one at most eight groups of data lists and each data group will be plotted as one surface in 3D chart. The number of parameters in these function can be 1 (one curve), 3 (one curve), 6 (two curves), 9 (three curves), 12 (four curves), 15 (five curves), 18 (six curves), 21 (seven curves) and 24 (eight curves). If only one parameter, the parameter must be a 2-D array each element value in the parameter will be a point's z value in the surface, otherwise, every 3 parameters construct a group. In the group, the first parameter is a 1-D array whose elements are the x values of the points, the second parameter is a 1-D array whose elements are the y values, the third parameter is a 2-D array whose elements are the z values of the points in the surface. Note that the size of x value parameter and the size of y value parameter must match the size of z value parameter. Examples of this function are plot_3d_data([[2.47, 3.53, 4.88, 9.42], [8.49, 6.76, 5.31, 0.88], [-9, -7, -5, -3, -1]]) and plot_3d_data([1,2,3],[4,5,6,8],[[3,7,2],[5,8,9],[2,6,3],[7,4,4]],[8,7,4,8],[2,1],[[9,3,2,6],[4,5,3,7]]).


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_3d_surfaces(5...) :

Function plot_3d_surfaces plots at most 1024 3D-surfaces in one chart. It has the following parameters: 1. chart name (i.e. chart file name); 2. chart title; 3. X axis title; 4. Y axis title; 5. Z axis title; 6. curve title; 7. grid or not (a boolean type. If false, a filled surface will be drawn); 8. front face color at minimum z value; 9. back face color at minimum z value; 10. minimum z value (null means automatically determined by software); 11. front face color at maximum z value; 12. back face color at maximum z value; 13. maximum z value (null means automatically determined by software); 14. first internal variable name (generally it is "u"); 15. first internal variable's value starts from; 16. first internal variable's value ends at; 17. first internal variable's value changing interval; 18. second internal variable name (generally it is "v"); 19. second internal variable's value starts from; 20. second internal variable's value ends at; 21. second internal variable's value changing interval; 22. X's expression (based on the two internal variables); 23. Y's expression (based on the two internal variables); 24. Z's expression (based on the two internal variables); ... Note that every new curve needs additional 19 parameters (i.e. parameters 6 to 24). At most 1024 curves can be included. A Example of this function is plot_3D_surfaces("chartI", "first chart", "x", "y", "z", "Curve1", true, "red", "cyan", -0.5, "green", "yellow", null, "u", 0, pi, pi/8, "v", -pi/2, pi/2, 0, "sin(u)*cos(v)", "sin(u)*sin(v)", "cos(u)") .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_exprs(8) :

Function plot_exprs analyses at least one expression at most 8 expressions and draw 2D, polar or 3D curves based on the number of variables in the expression. The expression should be an equation, e.g. "4*x+9 == y +z**2" and "log(x*y) == x", or an assignment with an unknown variable on the left side, e.g. "k= 3+ 7 * sin(z)", or an expression which can be recognized as an assignment, e.g. "9*log(y)" may be looked on as "x = 9 * log(y)". Note that the total number of unknown variables in the expressions should be no more than 3 and each expression should include at most one unknown variable less than the total number of unknown variables. The initial range of each unknown variable is configurable, by default is from -5 to 5 but user can adjust the range after the chart is plotted. If there are two unknown variables and one of the unknown variables is Greek letter α, β, γ or θ, instead of plotting 2D chart, polar graph is drawn. One example of this function is plot_exprs("4*x+sin(y)", "4-y**2==(x**2 + z**2)", "x*lg(x)/log2(z)==y"). Also note that when plotting a 2D expression which is actually an implicit function, this function can plot at most 4 root expressions; when plotting a 3D implicit function, it could be very slow because this function may solve all of the three variables and plot at most 2 root expressions for each of the variables.


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_multi_rangle(2...) :

plot_multi_rangle(at least 2 parameters) plots a 2-dim or polar chart which includes at most 1024 curves. Parameters 1 and 2 are chart name and settings respectively. The chart settings parameter is a string like "chart_type:multiXY;chart_title:1 chart;x_title:x;x_min:-6.2796950076838645;x_max:6.918480857169536;x_labels:10;y_title:y;y_min:-4.487378580559947;y_max:4.1268715788884345;y_labels:10;background_color:black;show_grid:true". Note that chart_type session should be multiXY (2D chart) or multiRangle (polar chart), and x_labels and y_labels means how many tick marks are in the x and y axises (or R axis and angle, angle tick marks are ignored) respectively. From parameter 36, every three parameters define a curve. Among the three parameters, the first describes curve settings, the second is a list of x (or R) values and the third is a list of y (or angle) values. An example of curve settings parameter is "curve_label:cv2;point_color:blue;point_style:point;point_size:1;line_color:blue;line_style:solid;line_size:1". Note that number of x should equal number of y and x and y values must be real. This function returns nothing. An example of this function is plot_multi_rangle("chart2", "chart_type:multiXY;chart_title:1 chart;x_title:x;x_min:-6;x_max:6;x_labels:6;y_title:y;y_min:-4;y_max:4;y_labels:5;background_color:black;show_grid:true", "curve_label:cv2;point_color:blue;point_style:circle;point_size:3;line_color:blue;line_style:solid;line_size:1", [-5, -3, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [-3.778, -2.9793, -2.0323, -1.1132, 0.2323, 1.2348, 3.9865, 2.3450, 0.4356]) .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_multi_xy(2...) :

plot_multi_xy(at least 2 parameters) plots a 2-dim or polar chart which includes at most 1024 curves. Parameters 1 and 2 are chart name and settings respectively. The chart settings parameter is a string like "chart_type:multiXY;chart_title:1 chart;x_title:x;x_min:-6.2796950076838645;x_max:6.918480857169536;x_labels:10;y_title:y;y_min:-4.487378580559947;y_max:4.1268715788884345;y_labels:10;background_color:black;show_grid:true". Note that chart_type session should be multiXY (2D chart) or multiRangle (polar chart), and x_labels and y_labels means how many tick marks are in the x and y axises (or R axis and angle, angle tick marks are ignored) respectively. From parameter 36, every three parameters define a curve. Among the three parameters, the first describes curve settings, the second is a list of x (or R) values and the third is a list of y (or angle) values. An example of curve settings parameter is "curve_label:cv2;point_color:blue;point_style:point;point_size:1;line_color:blue;line_style:solid;line_size:1". Note that number of x should equal number of y and x and y values must be real. This function returns nothing. An example of this function is plot_multi_xy("chart2", "chart_type:multiXY;chart_title:1 chart;x_title:x;x_min:-6;x_max:6;x_labels:6;y_title:y;y_min:-4;y_max:4;y_labels:5;background_color:black;show_grid:true", "curve_label:cv2;point_color:blue;point_style:circle;point_size:3;line_color:blue;line_style:solid;line_size:1", [-5, -3, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [-3.778, -2.9793, -2.0323, -1.1132, 0.2323, 1.2348, 3.9865, 2.3450, 0.4356]) .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_multi_xyz(2...) :

plot_multi_xyz(at least 2 parameters) plots a 3-dim chart which includes at most 1024 surface curves. Parameters 1 and 2 are chart name and settings respectively. The chart settings parameter is a string like "chart_type:multiXYZ;chart_title:This is a graph;x_title:x axis;x_min:-24.43739154366772;x_max:24.712391543667717;x_labels:10;y_title:Y axis;y_min:-251.3514430737091;y_max:268.95144307370913;y_labels:10;z_title:Z axis;z_min:-1.6873277335234405;z_max:1.7896774628184482;z_labels:10". Note that chart_type session should always be multiXYZ, and x_labels, y_labels and z_labels means how many tick marks are in the x, y and z axises respectively. From parameter 3, every four parameters define a curve. Among the four parameters, the first describes curve settings, the second is an array of x values, the third is an array of y values and the fourth is an array of z values. An example of curve settings parameter is "curve_label:cv2;is_grid:true;min_color:blue;min_color_1:cyan;min_color_value:-2.0;max_color:white;max_color_1:yellow;max_color_value:2.0". Note that the dimension of x, y and z arrays should equal and they should only include real value elements. This function returns nothing. An example of this function is plot_multi_xyz("chartII", "chart_type:multiXYZ;chart_title:This is a graph;x_title:x;x_min:-5;x_max:5;x_labels:6;y_title:Y;y_min:-6;y_max:6;y_labels:3;z_title:Z;z_min:-3;z_max:1;z_labels:4", "curve_label:cv1;min_color:blue;min_color_1:green;max_color:yellow;max_color_1:red", [[-4, -2, 0, 2, 4],[-4, -2, 0, 2, 4],[-4, -2, 0, 2, 4]], [[-5, -5, -5, -5, -5], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -5, -5, -5, -5]], [[-2.71, -2.65, -2.08, -1.82, -1.77], [-2.29, -2.36, -1.88, -1.45, -1.01], [-1.74, -1.49, -0.83, -0.17, 0.44]]) .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_polar(6...) :

Function plot_polar calls plot_multi_xy function to plot at most eight polar-curves in one chart. It has the following parameters: 1. chart name (i.e. chart file name); 2. chart title; 3. R axis title; 4. Angle axis title; 5. chart's background color; 6. show grid or not; 7. curve title; 8. curve point color; 9. curve point shape; 10. curve point size; 11. curve line color; 12. curve line pattern; 13. curve line size; 14. t values start from; 15. t values end at; 16. t values' interval; 17. R's expression (based on variable t); 18. Angle's expression (based on variable t)... Note that every new curve needs additional 12 parameters (i.e. parameters 7 to 18). At most 8 curves can be included. Also note that at this moment chart's background color, curve point size, curve line color and curve line pattern are not realized yet. And curve line size only has two values, i.e. zero means no connection line and non-zero means with connection line. An example of this function is plot_polar("chart 3", "3rd chart", "R", "Angle", "black", true, "cv1", "blue", "point", 0, "yellow", "solid", 1, -5, 5, 0.1, "cos(t)", "t", "cv2", "red", "square", 4, "green", "solid", 1, 0, PI*2.23, PI/10, "5*sqrt(t)", "t + PI") .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_polar_curves(6...) :

Function plot_polar_curves plots at most 1024 polar-curves in one chart. It has the following parameters: 1. chart name (i.e. chart file name); 2. chart title; 3. R axis title; 4. angle title (actually angle title is never shown); 5. chart's background color; 6. show grid or not (string "true" or string "false"); 7. curve title; 8. curve point color; 9. curve point shape; 10. curve point size; 11. curve line color; 12. curve line pattern; 13. curve line size; 14. internal variable's name (generally it is "t"); 15. internal variable's value starts from; 16. internal variable's value ends at; 17. internal variable's value changing interval; 18. R's expression (based on the internal variable); 19. angle's expression (based on the internal variable)... Note that every new curve needs additional 13 parameters (i.e. parameters 7 to 19). At most 1024 curves can be included. Also note that at this moment chart's background color, curve point size, curve line color and curve line pattern are not realized yet. And curve line size only has two values, i.e. zero means no connection line and non-zero means with connection line. An example of this function is plot_polar_curves("chart 3", "3rd chart", "R", "angle", "black", "false", "cv1", "blue", "x", 2, "blue", "solid", 1, "t", -5, 5, 0.1, "t", "t**2/2.5 - 4*t + 6", "cv2", "red", "square", 4, "square", "solid", 1, "t", -10, 10, 0.1, "5*sin(t)", "10*cos(t)") .


::mfp::graph_lib::plot_math::plot_polar_data(16) :

Function plot_polar_data analyses at least one at most eight groups of data lists and each data group will be plotted as one polar curve. The number of parameters in these function can be 2 (one curve), 4 (two curves), 6 (three curves), 8 (four curves), 10 (five curve), 12 (six curves), 14 (seven curves) and 16 (eight curves). Each parameter is a data list (i.e. 1-D data array). The odd number of parameters are the R values of the points and the even number of parameters are the angle values. Note that the size of R value parameter must match the size of angle value parameter. For example, plot_polar_data([2.47, 3.53, 4.88, 9.42], [8.49, 6.76, 5.31, 0.88], [-9, -7, -5, -3, -1], [28, 42, 33, 16, 7]).