Scientific Calculator Plus Help : integer operation functions
Function name | Function info |
::mfp::math::number::ceil(1) : ceil(x), where x is a float value, returns the smallest integer no smaller than x. ::mfp::math::number::ceil(2) : ceil(x,y), where x is a float value and y is a positive integer, returns the smallest float value with y digits after decimal point no smaller than x. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_bin_to_dec(1) : conv_bin_to_dec(x) converts a non-negative binary value or string x (can be float or integer) to a decimal value. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_bin_to_hex(1) : conv_bin_to_hex(x) converts a non-negative binary value or string x (can be float or integer) to a hexadecimal string. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_bin_to_oct(1) : conv_bin_to_oct(x) converts a non-negative binary value or string x (can be float or integer) to an octal string. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_dec_to_bin(1) : conv_dec_to_bin(x) converts a non-negative decimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a binary string. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_dec_to_hex(1) : conv_dec_to_hex(x) converts a non-negative decimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a hexadecimal string. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_dec_to_oct(1) : conv_dec_to_oct(x) converts a non-negative decimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to an octal string. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_hex_to_bin(1) : conv_hex_to_bin(x) converts a non-negative hexadecimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a binary string. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_hex_to_dec(1) : conv_hex_to_dec(x) converts a non-negative hexadecimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a decimal value. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_hex_to_oct(1) : conv_hex_to_oct(x) converts a non-negative hexadecimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to an octal string. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_oct_to_bin(1) : conv_oct_to_bin(x) converts a non-negative octal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a binary string. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_oct_to_dec(1) : conv_oct_to_dec(x) converts a non-negative octal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a decimal value. |
::mfp::math::number::conv_oct_to_hex(1) : conv_oct_to_hex(x) converts a non-negative octal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a hexadecimal string. |
::mfp::math::number::fact(1) : Function fact(x) calculates factorial of a non-negative integer x. |
::mfp::math::number::floor(1) : floor(x), where x is a float value, returns the largest integer no larger than x. ::mfp::math::number::floor(2) : floor(x,y), where x is a float value and y is a positive integer, returns the largest float value with y digits after decimal point no larger than x. |
::mfp::math::number::is_prime(1) : Function Is_Prime(x) is used to determine if a positive integer x(>=2) is a prime number or not. If x is not a positive integer or it is less than 2, return false. |
::mfp::math::number::mod(2) : mod(x,y) returns the remainder of x/y (y must be positive). If x and y are not integers, they will be converted to integer numbers first. |
::mfp::math::number::round(1) : round(x) returns rounded integer value of x. ::mfp::math::number::round(2) : round(x,y) returns rounded value of x with y digits after decimal point. |