

MFP language introduction

MFP functions

all functions

integer operation

logic functions

statistic and stochastic

trigononmetric functions

exponential functions

complex number

system functions

array or matrix

graphic functions

expression and calculus

string functions

hyperbolic trigononmetric

sorting functions


signal processing

file operation

time and date

graphic display

multimedia functions

data structure

data interchange format

platform and hardware

parallel computing

RTC multimedia


MFP compiling


deploy user functions

call MFP in your app

build Android APK

game programming

chart plotting

MFP math analysis

MFP file procession

number string and array

time date and system

Introduction of SCP

Scientific Calculator Plus Help : integer operation functions

Function name Function info

::mfp::math::number::ceil(1) :

ceil(x), where x is a float value, returns the smallest integer no smaller than x.

::mfp::math::number::ceil(2) :

ceil(x,y), where x is a float value and y is a positive integer, returns the smallest float value with y digits after decimal point no smaller than x.


::mfp::math::number::conv_bin_to_dec(1) :

conv_bin_to_dec(x) converts a non-negative binary value or string x (can be float or integer) to a decimal value.


::mfp::math::number::conv_bin_to_hex(1) :

conv_bin_to_hex(x) converts a non-negative binary value or string x (can be float or integer) to a hexadecimal string.


::mfp::math::number::conv_bin_to_oct(1) :

conv_bin_to_oct(x) converts a non-negative binary value or string x (can be float or integer) to an octal string.


::mfp::math::number::conv_dec_to_bin(1) :

conv_dec_to_bin(x) converts a non-negative decimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a binary string.


::mfp::math::number::conv_dec_to_hex(1) :

conv_dec_to_hex(x) converts a non-negative decimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a hexadecimal string.


::mfp::math::number::conv_dec_to_oct(1) :

conv_dec_to_oct(x) converts a non-negative decimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to an octal string.


::mfp::math::number::conv_hex_to_bin(1) :

conv_hex_to_bin(x) converts a non-negative hexadecimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a binary string.


::mfp::math::number::conv_hex_to_dec(1) :

conv_hex_to_dec(x) converts a non-negative hexadecimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a decimal value.


::mfp::math::number::conv_hex_to_oct(1) :

conv_hex_to_oct(x) converts a non-negative hexadecimal value or string x (can be float or integer) to an octal string.


::mfp::math::number::conv_oct_to_bin(1) :

conv_oct_to_bin(x) converts a non-negative octal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a binary string.


::mfp::math::number::conv_oct_to_dec(1) :

conv_oct_to_dec(x) converts a non-negative octal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a decimal value.


::mfp::math::number::conv_oct_to_hex(1) :

conv_oct_to_hex(x) converts a non-negative octal value or string x (can be float or integer) to a hexadecimal string.


::mfp::math::number::fact(1) :

Function fact(x) calculates factorial of a non-negative integer x.


::mfp::math::number::floor(1) :

floor(x), where x is a float value, returns the largest integer no larger than x.

::mfp::math::number::floor(2) :

floor(x,y), where x is a float value and y is a positive integer, returns the largest float value with y digits after decimal point no larger than x.


::mfp::math::number::is_prime(1) :

Function Is_Prime(x) is used to determine if a positive integer x(>=2) is a prime number or not. If x is not a positive integer or it is less than 2, return false.


::mfp::math::number::mod(2) :

mod(x,y) returns the remainder of x/y (y must be positive). If x and y are not integers, they will be converted to integer numbers first.


::mfp::math::number::round(1) :

round(x) returns rounded integer value of x.

::mfp::math::number::round(2) :

round(x,y) returns rounded value of x with y digits after decimal point.